Title: Going Bovine
Author: Libba Bray
Publisher: Delacorte Press
ISBN: 9780385733977
480 pgs
Meet Cameron. He's a sixteen year old high school student who's just getting by. He doesn't try hard to succeed, he just sort of meanders his way through his life and that suits him just fine. Then, one day, Cameron's body starts rebelling against him and the doctors give him dire news. He's contracted mad cow disease and there is no cure. Now Cameron's in the hospital hoping that some new treatment will show up to help him get better. What he wasn't expecting was the punk rock angel who shows up to tell him he has to go on a road trip.
At first I wasn't overly impressed with the book; it just seemed to take too long to get moving. However, once it did get moving, I managed to finish it off as fast as I could just to see how things turned out.
Libba Bray manages to convey 'teenage male' fairly reasonably; all the obligatory guy stuff is in here -- chicks, cars, possible armageddon, things blowing up, good music, beer, etc. --- and, even though some of the characters come off as fairly flat, I was still amused by the antics of the main characters and that was a good thing.
Personally I liked the ending. I think it was the only way the book could have ended and it worked. Anything else would've felt contrived and/or pointless, in my opinion. Overall a good enough read, one that I won't mind recommending to my own kids.
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