5 Jun 2010

Weekly Geeks: 2010-20 The Wishlist

Is your wishlist as big as your TBR pile? What books are topping your list? Are there any new releases that you are counting down the days for? Share a handful of titles and be sure to share why you want to get your hands on these books! And if another blogger is responsible for that book being on your wishlist, consider sharing a link to their review!

This is my first Weekly Geeks question/answer session.  I kind of stumbled onto it via a link from a link from a link ... you know how those internet surfing chain link clicking days go.  Anyhow, onto my answers.

I have a wishlist at amazon.ca.  Sometimes I even remember to update it, but that's usually around Christmas time when I need to email it out to people that are bugging me for the yearly "book list" so they can figure out what to buy for me.  These days I just add the books I want to read to my TBR list over on Goodreads.  It is a faster/simpler way for me to keep track of things that look interesting.  Especially handy because a lot of the 'oooh that actually looks good' titles tend to come from the group I belong to over there, so it's really easy to just hit the 'add to shelf' button.

I am a bad bookish type.  I don't really watch the calendar for release dates anymore.  I have missed a few really good books that way, but I find I'm simply not interested in picking up hardcovers anymore.  I used to neeeeeeed to get the newest Stephen King titles as soon as they were released, but I've since managed to bite that habit in the butt.  So, I'd have to say there aren't any releases that I'm counting down the ... oh wait, not true.  I'm counting down the days to Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. Oh wait, I lied some more.  I neeeeeeed to get my hands on the second and third books in Guillermo del Toro's Strain trilogy.

The Passage by Justin Cronin: This is tops on my wishlist at the moment simply because a) the description vaguely sounds like The Stand and some vampire stuff all mushed into one and b) Stephen King says it will rock my socks.  Seriously though, I'm hearing really good things about this book and it is nice to see more 'bad' vampire books coming out vs fluffy/romancy/soft vampires :p

Angelology by Danielle Trussoni: I blame this one partly on my own curiosity but mostly because of Pam's review on Bookalicious.

Fat Vampire: A Never Coming of Age Story by Adam Rex: Kind of fell onto this one by accident.  Was looking at HarperCollins catalogue online, then ended up over at Harper Teen and I couldn't resist the title.  Read the synopsis and was hooked.  Looking forward to reading this one.

Monster Island, Monster Nation, Monster Planet by David Wellington: I loved Wellington's vampire and werewolf books so I'm just dying to see what he does with zombies.

There are a ton more on my TBR/Wishlist list at Goodreads, but I think those are the ones I wouldn't mind getting my paws on first.


  1. I'm looking forward to The Passage as well. Vampires usually aren't my thing, but this book is getting a lot of buzz.

    Please check out my wish list for Weekly Geeks over at Restless Reader.

  2. The Passage was solid. i finished a ERC a couple weeks ago. I liked it but felt it was a touch long. Hope you enjoy it!
