I love my local library, even though sometimes they never have what I want. I adore being able to log into the system, find the books I'm after, putting them on hold and then just wandering over to pick them up when they arrive. Sometimes I go in just to pick up my holds but then I end up roaming around and walk out with more than what I went in for. Such was the case today. I was only going to go pick up the last three books in The Walking Dead series, but I ended up with three other books on top of those.
Yep, the library is just as bad for feeding my addiction. Fortunately it is a /lot/ cheaper than the bookstores.
Crawlers by John Shirley - Almost finished this one, actually. Pretty good little mix of creepy and science fiction.
Bleeding Violet by Dia Reeves, The Ghost and the Goth by Stacey Kade, Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry, Matched by Ally Condie and, of course, books 3-5 of The Walking Dead graphic novel series.
I just finished reading Overwinter by David Wellington and will post a review soonish. Right now I've got errands to run and books to read so, since it is a miserable day outside I'll be curling up with my books and my tea after I get back from picking people up and dropping people off.
Oh! The kid finished The Marbury Lens. He loved it. Said it was the best book he's read in a long time. He sent Andrew Smith an email telling him so. Now I wait until Gramma is done reading it and then it'll be my turn.
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